Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Proper Teeth Management

Often when our tooth is wobbly we try to pull it off by ourselves. We use a lot of tricks to do it like tying it on a door knob. But this procedure is very delicate and should be done by a professional to decrease the possibility of complication. Cosmetic dentists are right for this job for they are skilled in this line of work with much knowledge and years of experience.

Pulling our teeth out by ourselves can cause infection for not doing the right aseptic technique done by the dentist. This infection could later develop to another problem. Another possibility is that the tooth might not be properly pulled as it could break leaving a part of it still attached on our gums. This as well can be very troublesome. Dentists are the only one certified and have the ability to deal with this and have very low possibility on developing infection.

To protect our teeth from tooth decay in the first place, we can have out teeth protected by porcelain veneers. It is a thin layer placed on our teeth to improve the aesthetics of our teeth and deny damage. Out local dentist can also provide that for us.

Teeth whitening have been done to make our teeth look good and clean. But it is only a matter of choice and should not be a replacement for our toothpaste. As much as possible let us make it a point to brush our teeth properly three times a day every after we eat. Lessen or avoid smoking so we won’t agitate our teeth and gums with the nicotine and tar. Use dental floss to clean in between the teeth and top it off with some mouthwash to clean every corner of the mouth.

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